Monday, November 24, 2008

Bright Eyes

Daddy had his eye appointment today. At first we waited for his name to be called. As you can see...he was in rare form today. Come to think of it, these days are becoming less and less rare.

The poor nurse couldn't get anything done with his shenanigans.

He was reading the eye chart pretty good until the third sheet. Then I think he just started blurting out letters in hopes of getting at least one right.

They checked the pressure in his eyes, which was really disgusting. She was rubbing that thing all over his eyeball. I felt a little queasy by the time she was finished.

When his doctor came in for the surgical procedure, he asked me to step back into the waiting room. He would need total concentration since he was using the laser. But the whole time I was out in the waiting area being quiet, I was wondering if daddy was behaving himself and allowing Dr. Farr to concentrate.

The procedure took all of about ten minutes, if that. Which really surprised me.

Since he washed his cell phone in the washing machine *sigh* I drove him to Verizon to see about getting another one. We checked in and were number 1 on the list. However, we kept being skipped over and decided to leave. Opting to come another day or to another store.

I ran an errand to Wal Mart, stopped to buy us lunch, and then dropped daddy off at his house. I no sooner got home when my dear husband decided we needed to go pick up something in the way of a Christmas present for a special someone. We stopped by the hospital first to see Mrs. Janet, but were told she had been released and sent home. That was good news considering she was worried they would have to cut her open today. Praise the Lord they did not!

We did our shopping and got home in time to see Mike and Kim. They had dropped by to bring us supper. I told her to wait until mom went home from my house, but mom said she had been wanting Kim's lasagna. So when I spoke to Kim last night at church she said they would come tonight. And boy, did they! They brought with them lasagna (her grandmother's recipe), salad with ALL the fixin's, garlic bread, and a gallon of sweet tea. They also brought paper plates, bowls, and cups. Clean up was a cinch!

Thank you L family for your thoughtfulness in every detail of supper. It was so nice not having to cook this evening and it tasted absolutely superb!

Thou hast given so much
to me,Give one thing more, - a grateful heart;Not thankful when it pleaseth
me,As if Thy blessings had spare days,But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy