Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mom's Surgery

Mom had to be checked in by 10:00 yesterday. She was in good spirits and ready to get that new hip. So far she's had two knee replacements and now a new hip. I told her she's becoming more and more like Barbie every year...all synthetic.

Me and my mommy.

My sister-in-law made it in to see mom before they took her down to prep her. She's in nursing school too. She's someone else that needs prayer. She's got some medical things going on with her that they're not too sure about. Nothing too serious, they think, but she's in a lot of pain right now.

They took mom down to start her antibiotics around 11:00. I was feeling sad for my dad because he had dialysis yesterday morn and wasn't there to see her before she went down. I knew he was on his way, so I prayed that he would have an opportunity to see her before she went in for surgery. I asked them if he could come back when he got there and they said if he got there in time he could come back. He was very weak and wobbly, but he did get in to see her. Awwww, kissy-kissy.

Pastor Goodman showed up and they let him back for a word of prayer. He stayed for a few minutes and then had to leave for another family in our church. Pray for them, please. I haven't heard anything since yesterday, but their son is dying with cancer and this is the second time to lose a son this year. The first son died from cancer also. So, please say a special prayer for that family.

This was mom's nurse while she was being prepped for surgery. She was so sweet. Of course, all of her nurses have been wonderful there. Suzy, Tana, Norma, Carolyn, LIZ, and (oh, I can't remember her recovery nurse's name).....they've been great.

Mrs. Liz, our youth pastor's wife, works at the ambulatory in our town. She called to check on mom after surgery yesterday and heard mom in pain in the background. She came straight to the hospital and held her hand during recovery and then helped wheel her back to her room. I was touched by that.
My friend, Kelly, came and stayed all day with dad and me. We had so much fun and a lot of laughs. We had lunch together at Ham's and she was exposed to "my world" being out in public with daddy. lol
We waited patiently in the hall as the nurses got her settled in her room. Daddy was the first one in to tell her he loved her and say bye. I was really worried about him. He was having trouble keeping his balance. But he did make it home all right and is doing much better today.
John showed up after he got off work.....
...and shortly after, my Darlin' showed up.

He kept telling mom, "Mama, we know you're in a lot of pain......but we love ya." I don't think that was much comfort.

John and I took turns feeding her that yummy hospital jello, broth, and other liquids.

She practiced her breathing tube-thingy and did really good.

And these are the beautiful flowers Mrs. Liz brought her. She placed them inside of a pumpkin and they were quite lovely to brighten the room and bring mom a smile.
Thank you all that visited, called, and prayed. Our family appreciates your thoughtfulness.
I spoke with our patient this morning and she did have a rough time last night with pain, but said she was doing pretty good this morning. They'll have her up and walking twice today. As a matter of fact, she should have been up for the first time about thirty minutes ago and then they'll have her up again later this afternoon.