Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Blessings

Today was a really good day. There were several blessings that awaited.

Justin and Hannah went to a birthday party for Clayton P Saturday night and his mom (Mrs. Janet) sent home a GREAT meal of grilled chicken tenders, pasta, green beans, corn on the cob, and potato salad.

Janet, thank you so much! It was great not having to cook today! And as usual, it was superb!

When Bruce and the kids came home from morning service, they had a couple of things for mom. One was a book that Mrs. Ava (our pastor's wife) sent home for her to read while she is convalescing. She is actually in bed reading it now.

Thank you, Mrs. Ava! Mom loves to read good books!

Another little blessing was this card from Laurel.

She knows mom collects tea pots and drew a beautiful teapot on the inside. Didn't she do good?

Thank you, Laurel! Maw Maw Birt loves your card. It really made her day.
After lunch we took a great nap. A three HOUR nap to be exact. It was so wonderful and I probably would have slept more if Hannah and Harrison had not come in to wake their dad.
Everything was a blessing today. God is good...all the time!