Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Visit With The Folks

I put some ribs in the crock pot for supper, had school with the kids, and then took off to mom and dad's. I took some cleaning supplies with me but got very little accomplished. I did get her kitchen cleaned and mopped and the sheets on her bed changed. But I spent most of my time talking with them. We had more than a few giggles and laughs today. It was nice.

When I got home I took the ribs from the crock pot and made BBQ with them. I fixed some cole slaw, rolls, deviled eggs, raw veggies, and cantaloupe to go with it. The kids took their supper and a plate over to my mother in law's house to eat with her tonight. She's been having problems with her knee. We're hoping she doesn't have to have surgery. Poor thing, she's scared to death of that.

Bruce left for work early tonight and so I'm home alone....in the quiet. I really need to clean the kitchen. So I'll leave you with this video.

Of all the ways my daddy could think of to save money, he is fixated on watering down the dish detergent. This drives my mother nuts and she has threatened him more than once not to do it again. But he just keeps doing it. Knowing this, I was surprised to go in and find that a very large bottle of Dawn had been, almost, completely used and had NOT been watered down.