Monday, January 4, 2010

Hittin' the Books!

We're into what I call the home-stretch of another home schooling year. Today we will begin back with our lessons after a nice long Christmas/New Year break.

It was so nice having my dear hubby home those holiday weekends!! And I'm thankful for the time we spent together as a family. Especially Christmas with our extended families. We did Christmas Eve a little different than we have in the past and I liked it very much! And it was good having Bruce's baby brother and his family in town for Christmas. We all enjoyed that.

New Year's Eve was spent with the sweetest people we know. Even though the party ended early ('cause everybody is old) we had a great time together and I can't think of anyone better to bring in the New Year with. Lots of laughs and craziness!!

And so now the holiday break is over and it's time to hit the books once again. Rah, rah, rah!!

Click here to see New Year's pictures.