Monday, September 8, 2008

Sigma Cookout

We had a cookout this weekend for the youth and their parents to help kick off the new year of Sigma.
This is my friend, Kellie. She and her husband have been bringing a girl from our bus ministry to Patch and this year, that young lady moved up to the youth group. We're looking forward to having her in Sigma.

Mrs. Liz was busy getting everything ready, pouring drinks, cutting up desserts, chasing her little ones outta the bag of chips..... LOL

The boys conveniently found a spot near the food table to wait until Brother Greg took the burgers and dogs off the grill.

Parents and grandparents alike were in attendance.

Time to eat!

A little angel

Everyone seemed to have a good time. Brother RJ announced the teams again so the parents would know who their children's sponsors were, made a few more announcements, and it was over.
The date for RUSH has been announced, and so now the race begins.