Thursday, September 25, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I think I slept nearly all the home from the beach, waking up once to eat lunch at Wendy's and then more than a few times to fix the kink in my neck caused by my head dropping to the side. Very uncomfortable. I had my pillow, but I also have a phobia about leaning against the car door, even if it is locked. I'd hate to wake up rolling on the ground. You know?

We got home around 3:30, I think. We unpacked our suitcases and rested a little bit before heading to church. After the four and a half hour, off and on nap I took on the way home, you'd think I wouldn't want to rest any longer. But that just wasn't the case.

It's funny, because when we got to church I felt like we had been gone forever. I love my church!! I heard about the good service we had Sunday night and hated we missed it.

I have to say that it was nice crawling into MY bed last night. And when I said, "Thank you, Jesus, for my bed" before drifting off to sleep, well, I meant it with my whole heart!