Wednesday, March 4, 2009

He's A Tar Heel Man!

The snow we received was a blessing. I really dislike being in the snow and anything wet, but I was hoping the children would get snow and they did! I guess we got between five and six inches. Which was plenty for a couple of days of playing in the snow. YAY!!!

Hannah and Harrison made this snowman. I thought he was cute. I'm afraid he won't last long though. The temps will be in the 70's this coming week. Which kind of blows my mind. But I sure am looking forward to it!

I love spring. Opening the windows, breathing in fresh air. Seeing the neighbor's flowers bloom. Knowing that our little birds will be back to build their nests in the tree that sits right in front of our porch. We'll hear them soon! It's just the nicest time of year for me. Well...I do enjoy fall too. But first things first!