Monday, March 16, 2009

Dinner at Moe's

Bruce and I met our friends at Moe's Saturday night. He and I had never been there before so we were looking forward to trying something new. I believe Brother Chris summed up the atmosphere by saying it was like Subway. You tell them what you want on your burrito, taco, or taco salad by going down the line and pointing at what you want.

It was very good food and I'm sure we'll go again sometime. The fellowship with Chris and Dana was GREAT! Lots of giggles, smiles, and I have to admit I shed a couple of tears as Chris told us about his job at the fire department. I don't know that I could do it. You think, "What? Saving a life? A home?" No, I could do that. It's the fatalities I couldn't handle. I admire anyone in that line of work! It takes a lot of prayer!!
And Dana, well, she's a nurse. She had us crackin' up a little bit about her job. She's so down to earth and witty. I just love her! I'm glad I can call her a friend.

Bruce was thrilled with his meal and what was left of mine. I had ordered a steak quesadillas, and it was slap loaded! I couldn't finish it. Bruce was kind enough to polish it off for me. lol

I probably could have finished my quesadilla, but I think I filled up on my chips and queso. Which I can make a meal out of just that. LOVE queso!

We had met at 6:30 and ended up talking for so long that we looked up and the restaurant was closing up! They had already put the chairs up on the table. OOPS!

So we threw our trash away, apologized to the employees, and then stood in the parking lot for another fifteen minutes or so talking some more. A total of four hours of chit-chat! LOL I know Bruce and I needed the fellowship. I hope they weren't tired of us when it was all over.
Thank you, Chris and Dana, for the food, fun, and fellowship! Y'all are a great couple and we had a WONDERFUL time!
And since we were in Gastonia, we stopped to take home Krispy Kreme to the kids. They were out of the chocolate covered cream filled, but that didn't seem to matter to Hannah and Harrison. They greeted us on the front porch with their eyes searching for what we brought back to them and smiles after they realized we did, indeed, have what they were looking for. LOL