Thursday, February 10, 2011

Such a GREAT Day!!

I was really hoping for NO SNOW, which we were told would most likely come last night. When I got up this morning there was a dusting but nothing more. I was happy. Snow is pretty to look at but I do not like being out in it.

It's actually been a beautiful day today, a lot like spring. I met a friend for lunch at a restaurant I've never been to but everyone seems to enjoy. I'm glad we went there. I'll have to take Bruce. He'll like it. We had a great time sitting there catching up for two hours. It wasn't enough time, but we'll make up for it some more again soon.

After lunch I stopped at a thrift store that I've passed by a thousand times and never went into. I've been looking for a bar stool for some photo shoots for a few weeks. Every thrift store I've been in hasn't had one and even on freecycle no one had one. Well, there was one person that replied, but they were about an hour away. I can buy a new one for what I'd spend in gas. LOL My hopes weren't high going into this thrift store, and sure enough there were no bar stools on the floor. When the owner asked if he could help me find something I told him and he said no, he didn't have one. Then said to wait a minute, he thought he actually did. And he did! He sold it to me for $5. It's nice too. I was so happy.

I stopped at another thrift store and found Harrison a pair of jeans for $3. They still had the tags on them so I saved about thirty dollars on them.

My last stop was to pick up a Valentine's Day card for my Valentine. He's been working six day weeks for over a month, but they're giving everyone off this weekend so they can celebrate Valentine's Day. So we're going to do our Valentine's Day this weekend instead of on the fourteenth.

When I got home my new camera lens had arrived. YAY! And just in time for tonight. Our church is having The Inspirations tonight with some singing from out own church people before hand. Looking forward to that and using my new lens. :)