Friday, July 25, 2008

Busy Day!

Today is going to be a very busy day so I'm going to post a little bit before it really gets going.
I'm in the process of making arrangements for daddy to be picked up from dialysis Monday and Wednesday by a man in our church that can help him get up the steps. Thank you, Brother Randy! You have no idea what a tremendous help this will be to my mom.

I'm waiting on my friend, Rebecca, to get here. She and her family are bringing a meal for me to take to my parents. That is so nice of them! Thank you, Rebecca!

When Rebecca gets here, Justin and Harrison and I will be going to pick up a meal that my mother-in-law cooked for them last night. So they should be set on food for the weekend. Thank you, Marie! I know it will be delish!

Justin is going to weed eat the grass while we're at mom and dad's house. While he does that I'll see if there is anything I can do around the house. Change her sheets, do some dishes, etc.

When we get home, I'll throw another load of laundry in the wash, run the vacuum, and wait for Bailey to get here. Bailey is a dog that belongs to Cassie from Cassie's Corner. They're going on vacation and Hannah will be dog sitting for them.

Bruce and I have plans this evening. We'll be dropping Justin off at his friend, Taylor's, home and then out for a bite to eat.

I'm heading into my "crunch" time now so I better get off the computer and get my groove on, so to speak.
I'll leave you with this story I received in an email not long ago:
A mother was watching her children play from the kitchen window as she washed the supper dishes.
One of the youngsters came running into the house yelling, "Mom! Mom! We found the most adorable kittens! Come see! Come see!!!"
Grabbing the mother's wet and soapy hands, the child led her back outside to show her the kittens. To the mother's surprise and amazement, this is what she saw....