Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sword Conference, Here We Come!

Hannah put Bailey in her teddy bear's aeropostale hoodie. She has her tongue out almost every time I take her picture. Funny, huh?

I started painting on the VBS banners today about 10:30, I think. I finished up about 25 minutes before prayer meeting started tonight. They turned out really cute. I did not take pictures because I just didn't have time for that, but trust me, I'll have plenty of pictures to share of VBS and I'll include the banners. Thanks for lunch, Mrs. Janet!
Tomorrow morning, Hannah, Harrison, and I will be traveling to the Sword Conference. We're looking forward to it. I am, for sure! Please pray for our travels. There's a couple others going with us and I believe we have some church people up there already. Not to mention the ones that came back today.
So I guess you could say I won't be blogging Thursday, but I know I'll have scads of pictures and stories to share Friday.
Hope you all have a wonderful day!