Thursday, September 23, 2010


When my friend and fellow home schooler asked me a few weeks ago if I was aware that SYATP was coming up, I was clueless to what it was, exactly.
SYATP = See You At The Pole. I wasn't as clueless as I thought, though. I had heard about "See You At the Pole" but had not heard it called SYATP. Anyway, it is a time where you can meet and pray around the flag pole. Mainly praying for your school, surrounding schools, and your community. I believe this was actually started in a public school. But we take advantage of it as well.
We met at our church and James led a short devotional from Jude before we prayed.

Mrs. Kim and the girls were able to make it. They are getting ready to leave for New Zealand to be missionaries over there and because they are on the road a lot we don't get to see them as often. So I'm glad they were able to make it.

After prayer, we loaded the van and went to our local museum to see their WWII exhibit.

The displays were wonderful. The main focus was on WWII, but there were also pieces from WWI, Vietnam, and Desert Storm. I don't recall anything from the Korean War. Pretty much all of these items were donated by family members of our veterans.

The boots above tugged at my heart. If you click on the picture to enlarge it, you can see the holes in the bottom of them. They belonged to Palmer D. Fulton, American Expeditionary Forces. He was assigned to Company A, 144th Infantry, 40th Division Machine Gun Batallion, a very large machine gun unit. The guns were pulled through the fields and roads by mules. The unit was known as the "Mule Skinners."
I enjoyed the display very much and was glad that my children were able to look at these things items, read about them, and see the pictures. It brought into light things we don't think about when we think of war or our soldiers and the history of what our men and women in uniform have gone through for us. I'm looking forward to hearing Hannah's essay on the exhibit too.
When we finished the exhibit, we left for the park to eat lunch and let the younger ones play for a bit. They had a good time, I think.

Harrison, Deborah, and Elizabeth enjoyed time on the tire swing. Going round, and round, and round...

and round and round and round....

until Harrison finally had to get off with an upset stomach.
It was a beautiful day for this field trip and we had a good time.