Saturday, September 11, 2010

Feeling A Little Crafty

Last night while we were on our date, Bruce and I stopped in at Goodwill and I found these shutters. Which made me think of my blogging friend, Tori. I LOVE Tori. Tori is a missionary with her husband and three great kids in Croatia. She has a thing for rustic windows over there.
So anyway, looking at the shutters and thinking about her thing for windows, I thought of a craft I could do for the house.
The idea is to take these apart, find a mirror to go between them, and have Bruce build me a small flower box to go under the mirror and shutters. I can see it in my head. I think it'll be pretty hanging on the wall.

This week Harrison found his John Deere t-shirt that his Paw Paw bought him a few years ago. He put it on, and of course it was quite a bit above his belly button. We laughed about it. He said he wanted to keep it, just the same. I told him I would make a pillow out of it. Well, our missionaries going to New Zealand (the Howell family) had a yard sale today and one of the items I found was a fiber pillow that hadn't been opened yet. What perfect timing, right???? So I came home and sewed up his shirt into a pillow. He was thrilled and has already been resting on it.

Fun, fun! :)
ETS: I meant to tell what else we found at Goodwill...We found the ENTIRE SET of Creation Seminar Series with Kent Hovind for $6.93, and they have NEVER been opened. Can you believe that?? Needless to say, we'll be doing these for Science this year. And Lord willing, maybe I can talk the principal of our home school into visiting the Creation Museum in Kentucky at the end of the school year. Wouldn't that be a great field trip? :)