Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ready for the Fair

I had several errands to do today and one of them was to drop off some pictures at the fair grounds for the exhibit hall. I love going to the fair. I like the smell, the sounds, the lights. It's always fun. Tomorrow night is a great night for families to go. Up to six people a carload for one price gets them admission and unlimited rides. It's really not a bad deal when you consider the money you drop on tickets to ride.

I had several pictures to choose from that I had taken this year, but I can only turn in three, so these were the three I chose:

Fourth Of July Fireworks from the Kings Mountain display.

American Bald Eagle from our trip to Tennessee.

And the lovely Miss Naomi at Kendra's birthday party.

It's been raining the last couple of days so the fair grounds were terribly muddy. I had mud caked to my tires and the bottom of my car. Justin was sweet and rinsed all of that off for me. It was so gross. Red mud is the WORST! I remember living in South Carolina as a little girl and finding red clay. Now that stuff was somethin'! It was fun to play in though.

School is going ok. We've hit an unexpected bump in the road already this year, but it's ok. We're actually managing to stay on course.

Hannah is spending the day with my mom, the boys went to put gas in Justin's truck, and Bruce is sound asleep. I think I'll pull some meat out for hamburgers tonight and take a little nap here on the couch until the boys get back. Short naps are great energy boosters!