Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December Celebrations

We have three celebrations during the month of December. Besides the wonderful Christmas holiday, we have Bruce's birthday, which is the tenth. And our anniversary, which is the 22nd.

Since tomorrow is my darling's birthday, we will be celebrating with a birthday dinner. My parents and his mom will be coming over for BBQ ribs and fixins. I'll make his cake tonight when we get home from church. Devils Food Triple chocolate cake. Being the lover of chocolate that he is, he will be ever so pleased to dig into that!!

Because our anniversary is so close to Christmas, we usually just go out to eat at a special restaurant. I know where I would like to go and he said he would take me. So we'll see how that pans out and I'll let ya know! *keeping my fingers crossed*

Our churchwide fellowship will be next Wednesday. We always have a good time at that too. I was reading where someone said they knew of churches that made Santa the CENTER of their celebrations. WOW! What a shame. That is such a disgrace. I know Santa is a personal issue and also a controversial issue with a lot of Christians. Our church use to have a Santa at the churchwide fellowship. He was certainly NEVER the CENTER of the celebration. He was actually in a little room somewhere away from the fellowship and those that wished to participate could send their children in there after a brief mention that he was there. But the last few years our Pastor has done away with that all together. I'm looking forward to the fellowship. As always, the orchestra will be playing and we will have a wonderful time of fellowship, especially with our newest members and those that have been visiting the last few weeks! We have had a couple of families leave the church the last few months, but God has filled their empty seats with the sweetest people. Not that the ones that left weren't sweet, but you know what I mean. I am so looking forward to getting to know these new members and converts better in the coming year.

Speaking of the orchestra, they will be playing at our local mall this Saturday @6:00 if anyone is interested and has nothing to do. I know they would appreciate your presence there. We'll have to miss the event though. We will be attending the Baker reunion that night. I am really looking forward to that.

So stayed tuned! Over the next several days, I will have lots of pictures to share, no doubt!!