Saturday, December 6, 2008

Melancholy Mounties

We live in a small town, and as with most small towns, we thrive on our high school football team. To be honest, I haven't attended a game all year...until tonight. Bruce and Justin, however, have attended quite a few.

Last week our hometown Mounties played the best game in their history. Well, that is according to my husband who graduated from this high school. I have to admit that hearing him talk about the game when he returned home and listening as he called his brother, and then his other brother, and then his friend Mark, relaying all the plays and the greatness of the game, and then sitting next to him on the couch watching the Friday Night Football highlights with him on the local news...twice...I was feeling quite excited and energized for our little team. So when Bruce announced last week that our whole family would be attending the game tonight, which would lead to the state championship game, I was thrilled.

However, as the week progressed and the temperatures were announced to be quite cool this weekend, my excitement and energy began to wane. I do not like to be cold. I prefer to be warm and comfortable, snuggled up on my couch under a down blanket, watching my Christmas tree in the dark and listening to Christmas music.

I did not mention to Bruce that I did not want to go. He was so enthusiastic about the game, how could I?

I thought I was off the hook for about an hour tonight. I mean, he point blank asked us if we wanted to go and I could not very well lie. So after a brief discussion it was decided that the guys would go to the game and the gals would hang out here. Hannah and I were going to have a girlie night. That would be nice. We don't get those often. But after supper things took an unexpected turn and Hannah and I were running around trying to get ready to go to the game. Bruce and the boys were waiting to go. We had heard that a thousand tickets had already been bought that morning. So we knew it was going to be packed. The game didn't start until 7:00, but Bruce wanted to be there an hour early.

So we rushed out the door, loaded ourselves into the car, and off we went. After annoying my husband and Hannah's father because he was in a rush to get there and we needed to stop for a bathroom, he finally pulled into a parking lot and let us out. Of course we told to hurry it up. I think we set a record for two females in and out of the bathroom. On our way running back to the car, who do you think we passed, but Bruce. Apparently he had too much water before he left the house.

OK, so we get to the high school, or rather a parking lot across from the high school, and walk half a mile to our entrance. We made our way to the bleachers, sitting on the 20 yard line. There was so much ardor in the air that I was beginning to feel it myself. The towns people were pouring in and they were ready for some football!

The Mounties made their way to the field and within minutes they had scored the first seven points. From then on it was down hill. And not to sound whiny, but the refs were making some unfair calls! Shame on them!

About halfway into the second quarter I noticed my feet were numb and my gloves were not as warm as they were just thirty minutes before. Fortunately there was a group of men in front of us that were sitting on a blanket. While they weren't looking I slid my feet under it. Plus I sent Justin to the concession at half time for a second cup of HOT chocolate. It was good. It was hot. But it didn't help. I tried to be happy. But it was sooooo hard! And the fact that my husband was becoming increasingly upset with each false penalty called on our team wasn't helping.

We began to pack it up and head on home when we finally accepted the fact that our Mounties had given victory to the opposing team.

We muscled through the disappointed and complaining crowd. Walked a half mile back to our car, all the way listening to the sneers of the disconcerted mob. After all, we were expecting a win tonight.

It was basically a quiet ride home. At least not much talk, if any, of the game anyway.

And that, my friends, is a story that makes for a town full of melancholy Mounties.