Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Honey!

My sweetheart is celebrating his birthday today.

I won't 39 tell you how old he is 39, but in honor of his birthday 39, here are THIRTY-NINE facts about Bruce:

1. He's a good Christian man
2. He's a WONDERFUL husband
3. He's a terrific dad
4. He gives good advice
5. He's a hard worker
6. He loves doing family things
7. He made a beautiful mandolin
8. He's faithful in everything he does
9. He is disciplined in his devotions and prayer life
10. He loves little babies
11. He watches out for his mother
12.He likes to wear his hoodies in the house
13. He likes to work with wood
14. He enjoys playing his guitar....s
15. He loves his church
16. He supports his Pastor
17. He knows how to keep his priorities in check
18. He's loving
19. He smiles. A lot.
20. He has a mouth full of sweet teeth?
21. He has a great sense of humor
22. He's a great story teller...whether the stories are true or not (haha)
23. He's romantic
24. He's thoughtful
25. He can fix anything, according to his children
26. He is straight up and honest about everything
27. He is not a "beat-around-the-bush" kind of person..just ask anyone.
28. He watches people and can tell when they're a fake way before I can. lol
29. He likes bluegrass
30. He enjoys playing bluegrass
31. He enjoys playing golf with his brothers...or anyone that will play with him
32. He always wears his slippers in the house
33. He likes the comfort of home
34. He thinks outside the box
35. He has a sweet spirit about him
36. He loves milk's the only chocolate in his opinion
37. He is always friendly
38. He loves me
39. I love him

Happy Birthday, Honey. I love you and I am so thankful for every single day God has blessed me with you.
