Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fret Not....

Someone has created an email account in my name and was trying to get another person in trouble, signing my name and my husband's name to the emails. It backfired on them though, and God worked everything out between us and for the individual and families they were trying to hurt. They knew it wasn't me to begin with. And I'm thankful that they have that much confidence in me to know that I could never do what had been done. It was very humbling for me.

We know it's someone that knows their way around computers, laws on Internet fraud and someone that obviously knows our families very well and hates our church.

When I first found out about it, I was immediately hurt. I cried......no sobbed......for about four hours straight. No kidding. I was sick to my stomach because I knew the person my imposter was trying to get in trouble had probably been raked over the coals and it was just tearing me up that my name was signed to those emails. Then I got mad. We had an idea of who it was and I wanted to pound their head in. No lie. I mean, literally take a brick and chunk it at their head. Yeah, I know....that's terrible. Not very Christian. I'm being honest here. The flesh was really working overtime! I had all kinds of thoughts toward that person. Before I could chunk anything, though, I had to make sure it was who I thought it was. I was now on a mission. I mean, although there are many signs...well all the signs....that point to that person, I had no proof.

As the days passed, I knew there was nothing I could do. I felt really guilty over some thoughts I was having. The Lord just kept poking at my heart and telling me I was wrong to have the attitude I was having. But they just used my name to do their evil works, LORD!!!! Still, He pressed upon me that I was the one in the wrong. So I repented of that attitude and turned things over to His hands. Let me tell ya, that is very difficult to do.

I decided that I would leave it in God's hands and just do my part to find out who it was without having a vengeful attitude. Because after all, they were still using my name to send emails. So I needed to get that stopped.

After days of researching I was finally told there was nothing I could do. That's right. Nothing. The email provider they used hides certain information that can't be traced. And even if they did there was nothing I could do legally, seeing there was nothing financial involved and no threats had been made. I was kind of shocked by that. But it is what it is.

I spoke to the person these "incriminating" emails were sent to. They were so nice about everything. They're even having their computer techs look at the emails to see if there is any information that can be pulled off of them at all. Also, a man we know that knows a good bit about computers wanted to help in that area also. So the person the emails were sent to, forwarded them as attachments to our friend. I appreciated them taking the time to work on those.

To be honest, I didn't want to do anything legally. It is VERY obvious that it is someone we know and I don't want to see anyone go to jail. But I did think it would be good to make their Pastor and church family aware. That's how the Bible says Christians are to handle things....within the church. I don't have malice in my heart to want to see them embarrassed. But I knew that it would probably come to that if we did find out who they were.

Then Sunday night, Pastor Goodman preached a sermon from Psalm 37:1-2, "Fret NOT thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb."

I don't have to know who it is. I don't have to spend time looking and trying to dig up information. I don't have to worry about who they're emailing and what they're saying. I don't have to try to figure out a way to stay a step ahead. I just have to get out of the way and let God do what He's going to do. And I can rejoice in knowing that the trial this person has put me through and the trial they have put our friends through, will only draw us closer to Christ, which draws us closer together, and help us to pray more for the one who is trying to hurt us.

I wondered how someone proclaiming Christianity could continue in sin for several months and not have some sort of discernment between right and wrong. I've read the emails over and over since seeing them myself. I noticed something about them last night. One of them was written the day my daddy died, October first. And then there were a couple that were written the day of his funeral, October fifth. This told me that, not only do they not have discernment between right and wrong, but they don't have compassion either.

Realizing this turned my prayers, once again, to pray for them in a whole new Light. And that was for their salvation. It's not about charging them legally. It's not even about charging them in front of their church, because technically they're not a Christian if they have no discernment or compassion. It's about them finding Christ. They know a lot about the Bible. They can speak it. Teach it. And even preach it. What they said in their emails were proof of that. But they don't know the God of the Bible. And that's the sad part about it.

I set up an email account letter for letter with one letter added to the one they set up and I've been emailing them. I haven't been mean. And when I told them I've been praying for them and when I told them I wasn't worried about finding out who they were, I meant it. I'm just praying the Lord deals with their heart and that they will accept Him as their Savior. Like I said, knowing the Bible is good, but it's knowing Christ that saves us. Repenting from our sins and giving our hearts to Him that can heal all wounds. That's what it's about.

If that person is reading my blog, I want you to know that I can honestly and openly say I forgive you and I sincerely pray for you. My desire is that you know Christ and that you give your life to Him. Nothing else matters, but that.

I've said it once or twice or a thousand times, and I'll say it again....I love my church. I love my church staff. I love my church family. There is a terrific balance of truth and spirit in the worship. It is a loving church. It reaches out through its bus ministry, rest home ministries, prison ministries, and other outreaches. God protects our church from the evils of others and He certainly did protect us from this one. There are many wonderful churches in our area, but our church, in my opinion, is the best, for many reasons! And I'm thankful for the friendships and love of family that we have there.