Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I Placed!

Hannah and I attended the reception at the Southern Arts Society this evening.  They announced the winners of the MLK Photography Contest.  There was a third place tie between three entries.  Starr, Ellen, and Mrs. Birdie took those.  My sweet, missionary friend in New Zealand, Kim Howell, won second place for her entry, "A Father's Love."  I was so happy when they called her name I squealed.  Then they announced the first place winner as "Forever Yours."  I was still excited about Mrs. Kim winning and it wasn't until Hannah said, "I told you, mama" that I realized my photograph took first place.  I was really shocked and excited.  I am thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to participate.  God is good!

It's 1:30am and I can't seem to sleep.  I have a few things on my mind.  It's all good.  I just can't sleep.  Maybe the excitement from tonight isn't helping either. ha

Hannah has been really sick since she started her new job as a teacher at the daycare.  She had to go to the doctor because of an ear infection that developed.  They told her she would probably be sick a few weeks after starting work there.  Boy, were they right!  She seems to be on the mend right now.  She sure does love that job and working with those little ones.  She starts back with her classes here soon.  So her life is about to get very busy!

Justin is working hard at his job and working a lot of overtime.  He actually has a couple of days off and is totally enjoying them right now.  I don't blame him. 

Harrison is plugging away in school.  He has two subjects left.  Math and English.  We did something a little different this year with scheduling our subjects.  I think we like it.  The verdict is still out on that.  But so far it seems to be going good.  If we stay on track, we should finish these last two subjects, by about, the middle or end of May. 

Bruce is working a lot of overtime also.  I miss him when he doesn't walk through the door at 2:45.  He usually makes it home just as I'm getting supper finished.  So at least we still get to have our meals together.  I'm thankful he has a good job and that things seem to be going well where he is.

I feel like I'm getting sleepy now.  So I guess I'm ready to turn in for the night.  Praying you all have a good week.