Monday, February 6, 2012

Pork Alfredo and A Fun Family Shoot

I really don't know what to call this recipe, if you can call it a recipe, that is. LOL A friend of mine taught me how to do this a few years ago and as I was telling another friend about it, I thought maybe my blog readers would like to try it also.

Grab a pencil, because this recipe is quite long. Here's what you need:

Pork chops, boneless or bone-in, doesn't matter.
One jar of Alfredo sauce.

Ok, so you don't need a pencil. It really is that simple. Easy, easy!! Place your pork chops in a pan, cover with Alfredo sauce, and cook at 350 degrees until pork is done.
I like to serve mine with Angel Hair pasta and some kind of green. I prefer steamed broccoli. But I'm out of that today so we'll probably have a side salad. If you try it, let me know how you like it.
This weekend, I had the privilege of shooting the Vaughan family. They were such a fun group of people to be around. Mom and dad Vaughan were obviously use to the shenanigans of their daughters, because they pretty well let their playful ways roll right on without batting an eye. It was hilarious. Each daughter has such a different personality and they all just fold right into each other. I never had a sister, but if I did, I'd sure want that kind of relationship with them. It was very emotional for me at then end. We did a daddy/daughters shot with them and they were so playful with their dad that it was fun, but after all was said and done and I found myself missing my dad so much I couldn't fight back the tears.
They were a sweet family to shoot and I'll never forget this one!

After the shoot I had a date with my main squeeze. :) We decided to go to Don's Italian in Shelby. Bruce loves their turkey subs. They have awesome burgers so I had the bacon cheeseburgers with their homemade chips and ranch dip. I could make a meal just off the chips and dip. lol Anyway, I started not feeling well and by the time I got up Sunday morning I was REALLY feeling bad.
My eyes were swollen and with each blink the water would just flow from them like the Hoover Dam busted. As a matter of fact. I was oozing from every hole in my head. Gross, I know. Sorry. So I stayed home from church. We were having a family get together at my mother-in-law's after morning service. I met my family there after church and by the afternoon I was feeling some better and knew I could make it to church. Come to find out, we had over a hundred people out with this crud. They said the choir was puny Sunday morning and I believe it, because it was puny Sunday night. LOL But it was still good. And the service was excellent. Better than ANY Super Bowl. The Holy Spirit was in our midst and the alters were full. Three people were saved and seven were baptized. I was so glad I made it!
As for the Super Bowl, we made it home as New England was leading the second half. We were pulling for the Giants. It was a crazy game but in the end, the Giants won. And there you have it! YAY.
Other than being sick, I had a really terrific weekend and hope you did too.