Monday, July 18, 2011

Spiritual Refreshment

Wonderful services at FBC of Shelby yesterday. One man saved in the morning services and alters packed in the evening. Had another family join Wednesday night. That makes four families in the last month, to God be the glory. So happy they are all a part of our fellowship.
Last Thursday we had our first ladies fellowship in our new banquet room. The theme was A July of "Refreshment."

Mrs. Ava is having some issues with her arm so she wasn't able to put all she wanted to into decorating. However, Mrs. Amy is back in town, which meant there would be no lack of decoration! :)

Can you think of anything cuter than an ice cream theme for summer?

We certainly had a good time helping out with this one.

I got to help with the centerpieces. They were so easy to make. Corrugated bulletin board paper made the mugs, pollyfill for "foam", a decorated balloon to look like ice cream, and a painted wooden dowel for a straw. Cute, huh?

All set up and ready to fellowship!

Since our theme was ice cream, Mrs. Ava decided to have the fellowship a little later than usual. After supper, that is. So everyone who could, brought their homemade ice cream. And those that didn't bring ice cream brought some kind of dessert to go with the ice cream. Mander made the BEST cherry ice cream I have ever tasted. And with a little chocolate syrup added, it tasted just like a cherry cordial. Without the nasty goop.

We had a terrific turnout. I think about eighty ladies were able to attend. I know we planned for sixty and ended up getting more chairs. So that was a good thing. And I was pleased to have my friend, Amanda Jones, come visit with us. I hope she can make it to other meetings.

As you can see, our ladies have quite the sweet tooth. LOL

Mrs. Amy was our special speaker for the evening. She spoke on how we are all like different ice cream toppings and how we can add something special to someone else's life to bring them spiritual refreshment. She also did an acrostic on the word ice cream.

I cried off and on through her acrostic because, little did she know, I had just poured my heart and frustrations out on a friend of mine that afternoon and she hit on some areas that I really needed to hear. It never ceases to amaze me how God will give you exactly what your heart needs, just when you need it most!

I left feeling very much refreshed!