Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Meeting Him

We started a new ladies Bible study tonight. The book we're using is called Meeting Him. It is based on women in the Bible that met Christ and how He affected their lives forever. I am very excited about this Bible study. Basically Mrs. Ava was telling us about the book tonight. For those of you who didn't make it, Mrs. Katherine will be leading our first study on the book next Tuesday at 7:00. I'm looking forward to hearing Mrs. Katherine!!

We met at the Gondola Italian Restaurant to kick off the study. Mrs. Riley was able to join us tonight. Her husband is part of the group that is back to help our church on the new building going up.

We had a good many ladies show up. Lots of chitter chatter and laughing.

Little man made it to the Bible study too. We'll let this little man in anytime. He was such a good little darlin'. And so was T-girl. She did a great job too, being good. She's growing up!

Look at the smile on LeAnna's face. She got to see her sweetheart this past weekend where he's in Bible college. Hopefully she'll get to see him again in the next couple of weeks.

I ate supper at home tonight, but I did order dessert at the restaurant. I got this slice of chocolate covered cheesecake with a chocolate dipped strawberry on top.

Mrs. Ava's birthday is the 13th of this month, and since she and Pastor Goodman are flying to the Philippines on that day, we decided to celebrate her birthday tonight too. She was surprised and enjoyed a great big piece of chocolate cake!
Look at that smile!