Thursday, July 22, 2010

Building and Leadership Camp

Hannah started a new blog. You can check that out by clicking here.

She left for Leadership camp this week, along with four other teens from our youth group. I drove them up there with the company of my friend, Rebecca. It was a fun trip. I enjoyed it. Before we left for Leadership camp, I was happy to see workers on our church property putting up our new building. So exciting!

Brother Ronnie, Brother Wayne, Clayton, and Nathan were also working.

We made it to Leadership camp and the facilities were really nice. This was the front of the gym and where the kids registered for camp.

Hannah, James, Todd, Parker, and Justin C. The young man in the blue shirt, I believe, is someone they knew from being at Teen Camp last week.

This is the view from the side of the gym. That line there is for the zip line. fun, fun!

This was the boy's cabin.

This was the lake...obviously...tubes, water basketball, swimming...more fun, fun!

Hannah's cabin was clear on the other side of the lake. I liked these cabins.

Hannah immediately decided which bunk she wanted. Smart little cookie grabbed the bottom bunk by the door, next to the air condition vent and outlet. LOL

I'm praying the Lord will show each of the kids something more this week and that they will develop a deeper relationship with Him.
They'll be home Saturday. I look forward to hearing all about it!