Monday, May 31, 2010

Daddy and Farewell to Church Family

Several of you in blog land or through emails have asked about daddy. He is doing very good. He was back at church and playing in the orchestra yesterday. It was good hearing him toot his horn. ha ha
Thank you, Katie, for taking our picture. :D

Last night we said goodbye to our Youth Pastor and his wife, Mrs. Liz. Mrs. Ava had Liz sit on the platform and honored her a moment by reading a poem, The Pastor's Wife.

Mrs. Ava gave her a Pastor's wife survival kit, which was both cute and funny, and also a packet of all the ladies Bible studies and fellowships we've had since she and Brother RJ came to the church to take the youth program.

And then Brother RJ preached a wonderful sermon. His last sermon as our Youth Pastor. I have always thought he was a tremendous preacher and I have no doubt he will do a good job behind the pulpit in Vermont.

Best wishes to Pastor and Mrs. Parris.