Monday, August 10, 2009

VBS 2009....Be sure to catch the video of who won the penny war!

Last Monday we began our VBS 2009, Western Round Up! This is our traditional puppet box. But we decided to add some farm animals to the mix with our theme and.....

...this is what it looked like when we were finished. Mrs. Janet found some black material and we covered those last two windows with it. It looked FABULOUS!

And just look at that piggy in the mud! How cute is he? :)

Lots of children showed up for VBS this week.

I believe our highest night was just over 260. That was a blessing!

Cameron found a cricket. He loves bugs. He carried it around on his finger like this until it was time to go in from playing. And when it was time to go in, he just flung it in the air at a hundred miles an hour and ran off. Poor cricket. hehe

This is my class holding the rope on the way down to closing assembly. They were the SUCH great kids this week. I love them!!!!


A few of the "cool" puppets. :D

Daddy in his western round up clothes.

I thought this was funny. The children would bring their pennies in sandwich baggies and when they had dumped their pennies into their bucket, they'd just throw their baggies on the alter. That just cracked me up for some reason.

Bible Time!

For craft one night we made door hangers. This little boy's name was Will and I liked how his hanger turned out. "Jesus Will." There's a message in that, huh?

Poppy and Baby girl....awwww

Love this little girl's eyes.

Yelling for the puppets to come out.

Isn't she cute?

More Bible Time!

One night we had a snow cone machine. Oh, the children sure did enjoy those on that hot day!!

Kelsey and Justin working the puppets

Baby Doll got to hold a flag one night. Doesn't she look like the all American sweetie?

Friday night was our big air slide night. This was a HUGE hit with the kiddos!

We also had hot dogs with Mrs. Janet's chili. Mmmm....I just eat her chili on a bun. It's so good! There were several hundreds of hot dogs, and only three were left. Those were hungry babes!

My class made cowboy hats on Monday and this was them ready to go Friday night for their closing assembly.

Each year we have a penny war between the boys and the girls. The boys won most of the nights, but Friday night was the most important. Friday night was when we found out who would get the pie....Brother Greg or Mrs. Janet? Here's a video so you can see if the boys or the girls won. There's a surprise ending to this video too. Funny stuff.....

And here are the pictures of "pie time."

Poor Brother Greg!

Poor Mrs. Janet. Almost doesn't seem fair, does it?
There were several men....and help with the penny mess. Brother RJ was standing in the middle isle telling the children, "Back up! Back up, please!!" It was hilarious!!! Total penny mayhem!
VBS expenses....$500.00
Twenty-seven souls saved....PRICELESS!